Friday, December 11, 2009

A Portland Memory 12-10-09

Growing up in Portland in the 40s and 50s I suppose I thought that all cities had public drinking fountains. I remember being surprised as a teenager that it was not so. This fountain is in the Milwaukee district (right outside a Starbucks) and may be one of the originals. The water was very tasty, I'm not sure I would drink water from a fountain in any old city - but it seems natural in Portland.
I brought one thing back from my recent visit - a cold! It started with a sniffle on the drive home and gradually turned into a full blown head cold. So far it has not turned into bronchitis and I am hopeful it won't. I saw Dr. Debin yesterday morning for a regular med check - she examined me and said that what I have is not contagious at this time. I hope that holds true for today because I went to the Book Group dinner (just once a year at Xmas time) and would hate to think I exposed them all to this misery. And I am miserable - cough, sneeze, snort, choke, blow, drip.... well, we are all familiar with the symptoms. I am trying to rest in bed, drink lots of fluids, keep warm and all that stuff. Hope I am feeling better tomorrow so I can work on some pictures in Picasa. And maybe do my laundry!
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Rayna said...

Oh, Del, I hope you recover quickly from the miserable cold. If I could send you some homemade chicken soup, I would.

June said...

Glad you saw the doctor. And I love the Benson fountains here in Portland. They install new ones once in a while, which always delights me anew.

The water is so much better than that in Nevada (no wonder at that!). We filtered our Nevada water twice, once with the House filter that ran automatically and then again with a Brita. But my coffee still tasted wonderful this morning, ever so much more appealing. Coming home has great advantages. I even have a sweater on -- didn't take one to Nevada with me, and I missed it.

Take care of yourself.

Terry Grant said...

I agree that the water fountains are one of Portland's most charming features. The "Benson Bubblers" downtown are really special.

Sorry you took a cold home with you. Take care--drink your fluids!