Saturday, December 19, 2009

Xmas lights and a shocking image 12-19-09

Not a great picture - which endorses the need for a new digital camera. This is the first house on the right as residents enter the Spinnaker Bay neighborhood and every holiday the decorations are very elaborate. They go all out for Christmas especially and I have wondered where they put everything off season, there isn't a lot of storage in these houses. However, someone pointed out to me the abundance of 'self storage' in the area - Duh! Notice the light in the sky - the picture was taken about 6pm looking due west so there was still some "twilight".
Corky's parents went to the Naples Xmas Boat Parade this evening - along with what seemed like a million other people. I hadn't realized that the boats gather at the south end of Marine Stadium to line up for their meandering path through the canals. Hard to take a good image with all the reflections, but the lights are bright and festive, accompanied by much song, laughter and conversation which carries over the water. It was quite warm today (over 80F) and into the evening and I imagine there was a huge turnout - I have attended in previous years when my bones hurt from the cold. Nothing like the east coast is currently having, but cold for this coast.
In this guest room the small table/desk faces a mirror. I don't usually pay much attention, but today I was seeing (again) if I could get the flash to work when I looked up and saw this creature gazing back at me. How did I get to look this way? I'm amazed how much I resemble my Aunt Dorothy and also my mother. The yellow hat is a "bed hat" made for me by my friend Mabel Huseby of Mt. Vernon, WA. The brightly colored bag is the cover I made for my camera all those years ago. I take it off and wash it occasionally and I think the time has come around again. I used to make covers for all sorts of things - my sewing machines, hair hot curlers, cameras, waterpick, electric toothbrush, and on and on. Don't know how I got away from that.
I am feeling better - between the medications, the kind administration of care by the Poodle Prince and his parents and napping for part of every hour. I don't know if I want to get well too quickly - it is nice to be fussed over sometimes, isn't it?
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Terry Grant said...

Oh, you are a brave woman to post that picture of yourself. I now know that you are much better looking than that in person!

I know you are at your friends' home, but I am interested in the wash stand behind you next to the bed. It appears to be identical to the one that I have, which came from my great-grandmother's boarding house in Colorado. I suppose there are lots of them around, even though they are probably 100+ years old, but it always surprises me to see another. I think of mine as unique.

June said...

so glad you are being fussed over. Makes me feel much more at ease. I have had the exact same experience when I glanced at someone and then realized I was looking at a reflection, or whatever, of myself.

Christine Thresh said...

I've seen better pictures of you. Your whole face just lights up when you smile.
I am glad you are getting some special attention.

Rayna said...

Scary, isn't it? I see my mother staring back at me and I don't like it one bit!
Stay warm.

Louise in SW Saskatchewan said...

Glad to know you are starting to feel better.

I have known for years pretty much how I will look as I age - I apparently look a lot like one of my paternal aunts and her mother. And, as I age, I see them coming out more and more!

My dd and sil in Long Beach also went to see the lights in Venice tis year. They took the Passport there from downtown LB where they live. I wondered why, since they do have a car - with so many others going it now makes sense.

Louise in SW Saskatchewan said...

Oops,guess that should have said Naples, not Venice.