Friday, January 8, 2010

Meyer Lemons 01-08-0

I've lived in Southern California for over fifty years and have never quite adjusted to seeing lemons and oranges ready to pick in January. Both types of citrus can produce a huge crop if the year has been a good one. My neighbor Mark (-to-the-South) has one Meyer lemon tree which provides both of us with lemons. I don't know what he uses them for, but he is very generous and gives me as many as I can use... and sometimes more. He loves lemon bars, so I usually make him some and there are several lemon cookie recipes which make him smile! I think the best thing to do with a bumper crop is to grate off some peel and freeze by the teaspoons full, then squeeze the lemons and freeze by the half cup in baggies. Those portions seem to work for almost anything that I make. One of my favorite lemony treats is lemon curd to eat on biscuits - or anything else that is handy. If there is nothing handy one can always just eat the curd by the spoonful. Curd does not keep well, so better to make it up fresh with the frozen peel and juice. The other day Mark hung a large bag of lemons on my doorknob - guess he has a yearning for lemon bars. So, tomorrow I make lemon bars. Maybe two batches, since I like them as well, as does Corky's daddy.
I may have to work in stages as I still go to sleep unexpectedly. However, I proved today that it is the inhalers that make me drowsy - maybe I can just time them well.
Typo corrected! It is Meyer lemon. Sorry.
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Suzanne Kistler said...

I LOVE lemon bars! They are my favorite. :)

I've been monitoring your health reports and do hope that your doctors are able to find a cause and cure for the fatigue and drowsiness. I'm glad you've identified the drugs as one of the culprits. There are plenty of options on the market, maybe they can adjust your dosage or make a substitution.

Wishing you strength and energy!!

BarbR said...

I have been freezing fresh lemon juice in the ice cube trays and then sticking the frozen cubes in a baggie in the freezer. They are wonderful when cooking salmon. Barb on Oahu

Patty ♣ said...

Hope that this nice SO Cal day has you up and feeling better! Lemon juice has vitamine C! So, eat lots of cookies and drink some lemonade!!!

Meggie said...

That is the type of lemon tree we have too. Ours are being all spoiled by the small wasps laying their eggs in the fruit so I will have to spray the tree.