Monday, April 12, 2010

Interesting stuff 04-12-10

Since I don't have children or grandchildren I don't have a very broad view of what is "in" these days. In many ways I lead a sheltered life. But once in a great while I browse about online and discover interesting things. Recently I followed an AOL shopping item and discovered Gelaskins. I suppose they may have been around for years, but I had never encountered them. They are 'protective' covers for electronic devices - laptops, phones, etc. - and some of the art is fascinating. I tried to upload an image, but it didn't work and I am too tired to figure out another way. So, you check out the site if you are interested...
Do you have experience with these Gelaskins or a similar product? I'm just curious.
Sometime ago I talked about the website "Scribbler" and showed a few images I had scribbled. Terry Grant posted on her blog about an even better scribbler which is fascinating. Check it out at:
You can see a couple of Terry's drawings on her blog:

1 comment:

Terry Grant said...

I sat next to a guy on the plane when I went to Cleveland last month who had one of these kinds of covers on his iPhone. It was designed by his young son and was very cute, with the kid's drawings and "I love my Dad" in his son's hand-printing. He told me about it and recommended that I get one made with one or more of my quilts on it. Cool idea, but I really like my metallic orange cover for my phone. Maybe if it wears out...