Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dancing flower and more miscellaneous 08-19-10

I parked in the lot at the ATM and was filling out a deposit slip. I looked up at the truck parked nose to nose with me and there was this little flower dancing away on the dashboard. It was very hot, was I hallucinating? I decided it must have a solar cell that provided the movement. Have you seen something like this?
I Googled around to see if I could find the report I mentioned on Tuesday - the one I heard described on the radio, but this is as close as I could find. So, the only thing I remembered correctly was "cursive writing"! Guess my mind is further gone than I thought. I do think the entire questionnaire is fascinating and hard to believe; I suppose it is my 'advancing maturity'.
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1 comment:

Vivian Helena said...

love the reflections in the glass.
Make it a great day.