Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nancy Morgan quilt from Visions Challenge 08-15-10

This is the third (of three) 12x12 quilts I purchased at the Visions Art Quilt Gallery this summer. When I checked online for "Nancy Morgan", I discovered there a quite a few people by that name and several of them are quiltmakers. This Nancy Morgan has lived her entire life in Maine and much of her work expresses the sights she sees.

"Night Bloom" Nancy Morgan (Maine) 12" x 12"

This is the picture Nancy sent to me and I include it so you can see the true color of this wonderful flower.

The pictures I took came out with a strong blue tone. If you click on the pictures you can see the very fine stipple quilting in the background. I didn't include an image of the back - it is plain black and smooth (the stitching doesn't show on the back).

Nancy explains her technique: "Fabric is layered, stitched on a sewing machine using the free motion technique, and the excess fabric is cut away for each element of the piece. Thread and tulle are then used as shading or accent."

You can see more of Nancy's work on her website:

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1 comment:

Gerrie said...

I love the stark contrast in this piece. Wow!!