Friday, September 10, 2010

Turtles 09-10-10

When Corky and I walk in his neighborhood part of our route takes us along the walk that goes behind the houses along the water. It is interesting to see the 'decorations' in the very small backyards. They range from nothing to amazing collections of tchotchkes, geegaws and doodads - mostly water related. Some have wonderful flowers and some have spas/hot tubs. Most have a gas grill and outdoor furniture. The walkway is about 45 inches below the level of the houses, so the yards are almost at eye level for me.
This yard houses a family of turtles. The baby is a recent addition.
On the other side of the door are two 'bachelor' turtles who are unadorned; the larger fellow is prepared to be a spitting turtle fountain.

It looks like the bottoms are a commercially cast material, but the tops must be added by someone with access to lots of river pebbles.

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