Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Poodle Prince stretch 11-06-10

I have frequently tried to take a picture of Corky when he is stretched out, but he always moves before I can press the button. And he did it again last evening. He had his front legs out and his back legs stretched to the limit. I quietly put the yard stick down, stood up and then he scrunched up. He seems like such a little guy, only 12 -13 pounds, but he has a lot of curly hair that makes him 'puffy'. We have had a lovely visit, but he goes home tomorrow. I will miss him, as always.
Today was a nice bright, but cloudy day. So, I took quilt pictures so there will be new quilts from TCQC to show on Sundays for the next seven weeks.
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Unknown said...

He is a long little star! very cute and cuddlesome!

Isn't Jenny's quilt amazing? I watched as she made that one- when she lived in Cairo.

She is am amazing person - I just wish!


dee said...

what a funny little fellow he is.

Patty ♣ said...

What a guy! I still like the one where he is so relaxed, and is in -and -out of the doggie bed!