Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Program for South Bay QGuild 11-15-10

I'll be presenting quilts from the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection at the South Bay Quilters Guild in Redondo Beach tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. I always forget how long it will take me to get the quilts "packaged" and my lists prepared. The other day I said I would have about 30 quilts, but I have packed about 45!
I'm trying something new for the small quilt display - instead of laying them out on a table I have pinned them onto my collapsible design board (thanks to dear friend Mabel Huseby) with little signs giving the title, maker's name, year made and special techniques used. I tried to select pieces that show a variety of techniques - some old and some new. If I can put the board up on a table it will work great, I think. But if it has to sit on the floor - not so great.

One good thing about doing a program is the requirement that I clean off my work table so I have a place to stack the quilts. Otherwise it never sees the light of day! There are about six quilts in a 'package' (depends on how large and heavy they are) and there is a sheet under each stack. I fold each package up in the sheet, pin on the order number and stack them in reverse in the car. Then when they come out and are carried into the meeting they will be in the same order as the list I use to talk about each quilt.
I'll be teaching a workshop on Wednesday and I am almost all packed for that. It is Fiber Art Postcards, so I will have to knock down my machine and pack it up. I hope I am coherent - I haven't taught a class for over a year. And I hope the students enjoy doing the project and get inspired to make more postcards at home.

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Vivika said...

Good luck on your talk and class, Del. I like seeing all of those small quilts as a single display - I've noticed that people are more likely to fondle pieces left on a table (me included!) and treat them more respectfully when hung, even if it is on a design board. Human nature! We all want to touch and learn through all of our senses! I've even started putting my fabric postcards in clear envelopes so when I pass them around they remain clean...

Deborah Boschert said...

I'm honored to see my work hanging on your board with so many other lovely art quilts. I know your program will be excellent. Thanks for spreading the word about art quilting. You are an inspiration.

Suzanne Kistler said...

I like the quilts displayed on the board. They give the viewer a proper angle, rather than seeing them laid on a table.

Hope that your program goes smoothly, and that your class invigorates rather than exhausts you.

Above all, I hope you have fun!

Terry Grant said...

I recognize several of those pieces, including my "Laurel" They look good displayed that way and you have chosen a group that works well together. Wish I was there for the program!

Rayna said...

Great idea to display them like that -- and I KNOW your students will love you and have a great time making postcards.