Sunday, November 14, 2010

Those white bicycles 11-13-10

I have heard references and seen pictures, but I didn't understand what they were all about. But today I ran across this video which explains.
I am preparing to give a program on Tuesday evening and a workshop on Wednesday. I hope I have the energy! I made this commitment last Spring, long before I contracted bronchitis. So, I need to 'gird my loins' and do it! My friend Liz will be going with me to help. Bless her, she is a wonderful friend. The program is for South Bay Quilters Guild in Redondo Beach. I'll have about thirty quilts from the TCQC and will share their "stories".
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Terry Grant said...

There have been an alarming number of cyclist fatalities here in Portland in the last couple of years. The Ghost bikes are really a sobering reminder. There is one that I pass in Beaverton almost every day where a 15 year old was killed by a Tri-Met bus. I remember when it happened about 2 years ago. Tragic. The bus driver simply did not see the kid. Imagine his guilt.

June said...

Thanks for the white bike link. They are ghostly and poignant. I'm surprised Portland hasn't taken them up. There are a lot of memorials, with bike parts, around SE where I walk (well, a lot is probably 5 or so) But none are white.

I think the problem is what an Oregonian columnist said -- American drivers simply didn't learn about watching for bicycles when they started driving; they are learning now. And lately I've been impressed with the way they stop for pedestrians crossing the street. I am touched by the guy who not only stops but finds a way to make the other land stop, also. It seems so civil!