Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Group Christmas 12-16-10

Clockwise: Marlita, Carol, Nancy, Verna, Del, Teresa, Kathy (Ann was out-of-town)
At the December meeting every year the Book Group (to which I have belonged since 1977) has a Christmas celebration. Carol has hosted for several years and the menu that has worked for us is appetizers, salad, soup, bread, wine and dessert. Carol supplied two different soups and each other member brought a contribution. I took the wine - since I don't remember how to cook these days.

Carol opening gifts - and a peek at her beautiful Christmas tree. We exchange gifts - not very expensive - and some put more into it than others. Nancy made everyone a fabric purse, Teresa and Verna canned pickles during the summer and gave us each a jar, for the last five or so years I have given everyone a Borders gift card - we can all use a good book, right? There were notepads, a bag of soup mix, tea bags, a pin in the shape of a house, a tea bag holder (or it could be a ring holder!), a bag of snack mix, a shopping bag that folds/rolls up very small to fit in a purse, and, of course, a bookmark! Marlita wrapped each gift in a Santa hat - so everyone has a hat now!

We had another guest who declined to be photographed with the group. This is Sammy, one of Carol's two cats; Max stayed hidden for the evening.

It was fun to get together with these long time friends - I have missed two meetings in a row and I have missed seeing them.

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1 comment:

Patty ♣ said...

What a nice picture! You are a nice looking group of readers!! Love the hats too!!!