Friday, December 17, 2010

License plates 12-17-10

Before there were vanity plates I enjoyed checking for out-of-state plates, when I traveled across the USA I would do a checklist as I saw each additional state on a license. Of course, vanity plates are more of a challenge. Sometimes they are easily read and sometimes they are mysteries. Some years ago I was driving on I-5 and kept passing and being passed by a car with a plate I couldn't figure out. When I stopped for gas that car had also stopped. I jumped at the chance and asked the fellow, "What does your license plate mean?" He looked down his nose at me and said with a sneer, "It's my name." I have rarely asked anyone about the meaning of what is on their license plate.
I saw this one on Kraemer Blvd, a main north-south street here in Placentia. I wonder if the owner works at Calico House not far away. I think I'll check around in the lot next time I visit.
This isn't about the license plate, but the footprints in the rear window. I wonder what the halo means, hovering over the fourth set of prints. I'd hate to think that one of the children died and is now wearing a halo for real. Maybe it has something to do with autism. Does anyone know?
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Rayna said...

I suppose his license plate said JERK. Cheesh! There are some beauties in NJ, as well. My favorite is the Cadillac I used to see around town that said WIFE. Made me barf every time.

Here's the thing about vanity plates: you have no privacy because your plate is so recognizable that when you are some place you should not be, somebody you know is bound to spot you. I prefer anonymity, myself.

Corky said...

When we lived in CA I had one of the 9/11 commerative plates. The number was MA3311. I was asked one day what it meant. I think the guy was disappointed when I told him it was just the number issued to me. I hated giving that one up when we moved because it was so easy to remember.