Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pink Roses 12-18-10

This rose bush was already growing in the backyard when we moved to this house in 1986, however, the seven foot wall is only about five years old . The blossoms have almost no fragrance, but the bush makes up for it by blooming like crazy all year. Usually I prune the roses between Xmas and New Years - except for the years I don't get around to it until Valentines. So, soon all these blossoms will go in the garden recycle - sad. I will pick some and take them to someone who will appreciate them for a few days.

The buds start out a deep pinky red.

As they open they reveal the bluey pink of the interior petals.

And finally, full open, only the very outer petals are the darker color.
SCalifornia is in the midst of a series of storms, so it has been raining lightly since yesterday and the TV weather guy tells us it will continue through the weekend and most of next week. It is an Oregon rain - drizzle, drizzle, drizzle - however, the guy says it will get heavier. I pity the people in the burn areas since the hills have not had time to grow much vegetation since the last round of fires. All those folks are just holding their breath, hoping that the other shoe doesn't drop. If we have any gully washers there could be more homeless people in the foothills. But, the good news is that the snow pack in the mountains is now at 110% - meaning that we will probably not have any water rationing next July/August.
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Martha Ginn said...

What a beautiful sight! Even in the rain. We've had freezing nights but the Sasanquas have begun to bloom and the Camellias are covered in buds. Apparently they can take the cold!

June said...

I hope you are enjoying the nostalgia of the rain, Del, if not the actuality. The photos of your rose with the wet leaves are wonderful.

Merry Christmas and don't prune in the rain. You are too sweet -- you might melt --snort--