Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Feet 01-21-11

Since I broke both of my legs, in different years, I am not familiar with my feet.  They just don't look like my old feet that I lived with for the first 60, or so, years of my life.  I can no longer wear my favorite Birkenstocks, but I still have them nicely lined up in boxes on a shelf.  And I cannot wear my wonderful beaded, glittery slippers.  They kill my feet and make my legs cramp, but I cannot give them up - yet.
 I'm standing on Corky's floor mat because the colors seemed to go so well together. 
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Terry Grant said...

Those are fabulous! I have kept shoes that I cannot comfortably wear anymore just because they are too pretty to part with.

Gaby Prado. said...

Just cool!!!
Son zapatos de quilt!!! jajaj
Saludos desde Costa Rica,


Christine Thresh said...

Beautiful slippers!
Corky's floor mat is very nice, too.
I have some lovely shoes hidden away in my closet that I can never wear again.

Corky said...

Cute shoes Del! Maybe you can be like Oprah and only wear them while seated. (then you'd need a flunky to carry around your comfy shoes for those walking events)

Rayna said...

Whatever you are wearing looks great! Funky shoes - love 'em.

June said...

I refuse to get into the back of my closet anymore. Whatever there stays there -- or at least it will have to do until they carry me off to the nursing home. When did I stop caring about what I wear, anyway?

By the way, the bird with the berries on the last blog made me laugh. The squirrels are dropping great bunches (like bunches of grapes) of holly berries around the yard. They are so outrageously bright and red in the gray of Portland that the first time I saw them, I thought that someone had littered the driveway. Well, actually, some Thing had -- some small furry long-tailed thing. We saw one run across the fence top with a bunch in his mouth -- it was bigger than his head.