Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Goodbye Palm Trees 01-17-11

This morning I heard the dreaded sound of chain saws.  So, I went out to see where the damage was being done.  Just two doors to the north were these lovely palm trees.  There once were many trees of different species towering against a blue winter sky and now there are very few remaining.
Just to the right of the light pole there is a worker cutting the last of three palms into sections as he makes his way back to the ground.

On the other side of the yard is another worker cutting the first of five palms into sections.

My house is the grey one that looks like a two story, but isn't - on the far right of the picture.
I don't know if they took out all of the palms, I hated to go back out and look.  I shouldn't be surprised by all of this.  These neighbors moved in a couple years ago and put in plastic grass.  The palms are messy and I'm sure he just didn't like his plastic grass having palm droppings covering it.  But they were such beautiful palms!

P.S. - Yes, all of the palms were sacrificed.  They were on private property so the property owners can do as they like.  The people who owned this house for about eight months before we moved in cut down all the trees except the birch by the front door.  I think it died this winter - I'll miss it. 
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Christine Thresh said...

Plastic grass!
Maybe they will put up plastic trees.
Oh my.

Gerrie said...

Eeuuww- plastic grass and no trees? We can not cut trees in Portland without jumping through many hoops.

Martha Ginn said...

Kind of makes you want to be a tree-hugger, huh?
Martha Ginn

Rayna said...

Are they allowed to just cut down public trees? What is that about?? Plastic people in that house, no doubt. That is TERRIBLE!

June said...

Yow, plastic grass! Oh my mercy me -- have they no shame???

In Portland, you have to get permission to cut down anything with more than a 4 inch diameter trunk. This is definitely a PITA, but considering the alternatives, also a very wise regulation.

As a Pacific NW native, you definitely need trees around you.