Friday, March 25, 2011

More rain and a change of plans

Not much to say tonight.  It is raining - AGAIN - and is only 38.5F at 1am.  Very strange and rather tiresome.  But along about August I will probably be complaining about the heat - never satisfied.  It is almost always much cooler at Mary's in San Juan Bautista than it is here, so I hardly know how many layers to pack.  At Asilomar in Pacific Grove it is usually quite nice this time of year, but one never knows.  So, I must plan my clothing accordingly.

The change of plans is that Fumie Ono, collector of fabulous antique American quilts, is have some health problems and had to cancel her program for Surfside QG in April.  So, we are moving my program to April, but leaving the workshop as scheduled for May.  However, I have not sorted quilts or done any planning for which ones to show at the meeting.  So, I will only have one day of rest at Mary's before I must drive home.  And then I have one day to get everything together for the meeting on April 12th.  Fortunately, I had not finished the newsletter and needed to do some rearranging of articles.  It will go for proofing tomorrow sometime - I hope.  I have an 8am aqua therapy appointment and then will have the Poodle Prince for a few hours - he'll sleep and I will type.  Or maybe we will both sleep! 
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Rayna said...

I'm exhausted just reading about this schedule. I think you should take a nap when Corky does, just because.

Suzanne Kistler said...


I think your plate is too full! :)

June said...

Del -- Suzanne said it! Sounds too crazy. But then, there you are. Sometimes overbooking happens. At least you are almost done, finally finally, with the newsletter!

Oh and that 8AM aqua therapy. I will think of you as I walk-in-water, meditating. At least I don't have anyone forcing me to do uncomfortable things.