Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 03-23-11

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Corky said...

Wow! Reminds me of the time back when I was a teenager. I was driving down the road in Detroit and looked in my rearview mirror to see a HOUSE behind me! Not a mobile home, but a 2 story house.

I don't know why they decided to move it in the middle of the day, but it sure made an impression on me. Never did find out where it was being moved from or to, but sure hope it wasn't a long distance!

Christine Thresh said...

Wow! That's impressive.
Did you take the picture?

Rayna said...

What a scary truck!

Del said...

Yes, I took the picture while driving. As always, I didn't look - just stuck the camera up and snapped off as many shots as I could. Only this one was good, lucky me! This truck had been bird dogging me for miles and I was getting really annoyed. I decided I would exit the highway and give him some lead time so I wouldn't have to see him looming once again in my rearview mirror. I let him pull up to pass, shot the pictures and stopped for a stretch. I did not ever see him again, but I have seen other trucks with this modification. A blatant effort to intimidate other drivers - it worked with me!