Monday, June 20, 2011

Charlotte Patera quilt in TCQC 06-19-11

This quilt "spoke to me" at Pacific International Quilt Festival in 2008.  I have been attracted to Charlotte's work since I purchased her book "The Applique Book" in 1974 and even more so after the 1984 publication of "Mola Making" which I read almost like a novel.  Great book!  She made this quilt in the tradition of the Kuna ladies using a motif from her everyday life, just as they did.  And it happens to also be something in my everyday life since I also do Jigzone puzzles and find the llizard cut one of the most challenging.   
"Lizard Lock"  Charlotte Patera - Grass Valley, CA  2008  29"W x 25.5"L
Cotton fabrics, hand appliqued and quilted.
I especially appreciate that Charlotte's used the ombre fabrics with the dark portion of the applique laid on the dark portion of the background - very subtle.  I'm sorry that the color in this image is not true to the quilt which doesn't have as much of a blue cast. 

This is the sign at PIQF that accompanied the quilt which was shown as part of the special exhibit "New Quilts of Northern California" (an annual juried exhibit).    
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1 comment:

Bev said...

really great quilt -- and it makes me think of Escher's art work