Friday, August 26, 2011

Assoc. Pacific West Quilters QShow 08-26-11

This morning Mabel and I drove south on I-5 to Tacoma and the Tacoma Convention Center to see the APNW QShow.  It has been (I believe) three years since the last show and the organization has restructured, changed its name and moved the venue from Seattle to Tacoma.  I think there will have to be more publicity, especially of the 'grass roots' kind in order to build some interest and momentum.  There were some lovely quilts and quite a few Special Exhibits - I think we saw all of them in the seven hours we were there.  
I am so tired tonight that I keep falling asleep at the computer!  So, here are just two quilts to whet your appetites.  

Not the best image, sorry.  This crisp, clearly defined quilt attracted quite a few up-close viewers.  It was one of my favorites. 

I like the little "sprigs" used as a quilting motif.

This one is so unlike what I have seen of Jean Wells work in the past that I wondered for a second if there were another Jean Wells living in Sisters, OR. 

As much as I admire the pieced center, I would admire it even more if the blue background were not so strong - it overwhelms the delicate colors of the "rock".

The quilting is imaginative and resembles rock fissures.

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Patty ♣ said...

VERY Nice quilts!

Del said...

I took about 150 pictures! Of course, half of them are labels and there are quite a few details of various quilts. I will be posting the images gradually over the next few weeks. My journey south on I-5 begins today and a lot of the next four days will be just driving, so I may be showing mostly quilts during that time.