Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quilt Festival - Long Beach 08-02-11

I don't know if there were more than the usual number of quilts depicting animals, or if I just noticed them more this year.  Here are some I think are outstanding.
Barbara McKie has developed her technique to amazing perfection.  There were quite a few of her works in this show and each is exquisitely thread painted.  Barbara does commissions and shows several of these special works on her website: 

This is a photograph of Preston printed on fabric and thread painted using very fine threads.  33"W x 27.5"L

I hope this detail will show you some of the stitched lines.  Click to enlarge.

I suppose that "stitch painting" is the same as "thread painting".  Approximately 30" square.
The right side of the quilt is actually squared up - the angle of my photo distorts it.  The group of sheep in the lower right corner are done with fusing - interesting effect of using various greys for these figures.

The rectangles in the background are fused. 

A disembodied wing with wonderful feathers drawn with the quilting lines.  Approx. 30" x 18"

This is a different sort of batik work that I am not familiar with.

Notice the little hand stitches in the eyes for the "glint".  Both hand and machine quilting was used.
Another great owl quilt.  Hard for me to decide which owl to show as a detail.  All are amazing.

What a personality!  Click to enlarge.
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Bev said...

thanks Del for doing such a great job showing these pictures -- I was really amazed by Barbara McKie's piece -- that dog looks like he could just jump right up into your lap - WOW

Linda Teddlie Minton said...

Wow, Del, thank you so much for posting all these pictures! It makes my mouth water for Festival in Houston this November!