Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Quilt Festival - LBeach 07-30-11

This had to be a day of rest, I was just wiped out this morning, so I didn't go to LBeach today.  But here are some pictures I took on Friday.   I thought some of you might be interested in how the quilts are displayed.  The black curtains are very thin so the lights on the other side show through.  The signs are on stands (like musicians use for music) and they are also color coded so viewers can keep track of what special exhibit the quilts are in.  There is usually a strip of vinyl across the space so one cannot get too close to the quilts.
The three pictures below are of the "West Coast Wonders" exhibit.   I didn't make note of every quilt and artist, so I am just showing those I know. 
"California Dreaming" Susan Slesinger, "Good Golly, Miss Molly" Deborah Mackay,
"Beach Scenes" Mia Bloom, "Summer Dreams" Mary Tabar. 
Unknown, Unknown, "Johnny Appleseed in Sebastopol"  Pam Berry,
"Say it with Flowers" Laura Fogg, "Red Barn with Salmonberries" Laura Fogg.

"Red Barn With Salmonberries" Laura Fogg,
"Spring in the Heart of California" Barbara Daniel,
"California Beauty" Felisa Lyon (at the far right edge of the photo)
This quilt is very difficult to photograph!  I waited until all the visitors wearing white moved along.  But I still had to retouch to remove some spotlights that were shining through the leaves.

The bluebird is about a foot in from the top right corner.

The grey owl is about one-third of the way down the tree trunk and the large azalea blossoms are at the bottom.
I must admit, to me it looks more like Jabba, the Hut. 
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Felisa Lyons said...

Your photos are better than mine!!
And at least the owl is a 'cute' Jabb; when I see this resident owl I'll tell him you called him Jabba!
Thanks, Del

California Fiber artist and composer said...

Del--_Thank you for showing a picture of my West Coast Wonders entry and giving me credit! Susan