Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spring without Winter 02-25-12

It has been cold, but we've not had our share of February rain.  I love the sunshine, but don't like dealing with another drought year.  Hope "winter" comes soon. 
Meanwhile the wild oxalis on the hillside in the back of my property is fully in bloom.  The tree on the neighbor's slope is an orange which is also blooming - I step out the back door and the fragrance is wonderful.  At one time much of Orange County was orange groves and this time of year they all bloomed at once - the perfume was everywhere and awesome. 

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1 comment:

Quiltedtime said...

Yes, I am concerned as well. My fruit trees are already blooming with only a couple of bees in sight. I can't see that there is going to be a whole lot of fruit that way--especially if we get a sudden frost or that very unexpected heavy downpour.