Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Browsing 04-02-12

Yesterday I drove up to San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles to see Quilt National '11 Parts A & B.  Visitors are asked to not take photos in the galleries, but there are also quilts hanging in the hallway and the meeting room.  So, I snapped a few.  The quilt below attracted my attention because I belong (or have belonged) to the Southern California Quilt Guilds.  I remember when this quilt was in progress and it brings back good memories to see it again. 


If you click on this image to enlarge, you will be able to read the identifications.  

I enjoyed see the Quilt National quilts, although some a too "far out" for me.  Pat Pauly's "Pink Leaf 2" is my favorite in this exhibit - I had no idea it is so large, 65"W x 77"L.  When I checked on the QN website to see where Part C might be exhibited I was surprised to discover....
10/21/12 - 2/12/13: Oceanside, CA--[Collection C] Oceanside Museum of Art, Oceanside, CA So, it will be there at the same time that the Visions Biennial "Brainstorms" will be at the Visions Art Museum in San Diego.  Mark your calendars and plan on seeing two great art quilt shows in one day.  Heaven!

There is a lot of current conversation about Pinterest - move to the bottom of the following page for several items about it.

Most people don't want to think about death and dying, but at 74 it is time I sorted out some things.  Dr. Oz had a program about making arrangements and offered this site.

Here is a good tutorial for people who don't understand what a Blog is. Three online magazines from Australia/New Zealand

Last year the Association of Pacific West Quilters extended their "range" to cover all of the western states and provinces.  Their August QShow in Tacoma was great, but there were few quilts from California.  Check their website for information and entry form.  The DEADLINE for entries is April 20th.   I'd love to see some California quilts when I go to the show this year.     

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1 comment:

Suzanne Kistler said...

I know Lois Hummel, who made the Porterville Quilters block. She's still quilting, at age 90! wow!!

I wonder where the Valley Oak Quilt Guild's block is? I thought we were part of this endeavor way back when...maybe we never got it submitted? Hard to remember, seems like ancient history. :)