Friday, May 4, 2012

Tagging - a rant 05-04-12

I know that some of you like seeing graffiti - I don't.  And I especially don't like to see it from my backyard.  Fortunately, there is a two foot wall across the top of the slope that leads down to a maintenance road, a cyclone fence and a flood control channel.  It isn't the best view, which is why the two foot wall is there, it blocks everything when we look out the windows.
I noticed these 'tags' today and know they were not there last weekend because Corky and I go out back frequently and I am always looking for birds.  
So, I will call the graffiti hotline and hope that someone will come along and paint out these tags.  I suppose they have a meaning to someone, but not to me and I don't want to look at them.


This is the view from the two foot wall at the top of the slope.
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