Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Feet 10-19-12

One thing Starbuck's has on other Wi-Fi places is their acceptance of people holding meetings in their locations.  I have done it - meeting someone half way between my house and theirs.  The music and the other conversations are always so loud I doubt that anything can be overheard.  These three guys seem to meet frequently at my favorite location - two dressed in business attire and the third always casual, you can see his light colored shoe on the left.  The fellow on the right always jiggles his left foot, a nervous twitch.
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Sherrie Spangler said...

Since the demise of our Borders, Starbucks has become my go-to place for meetings. I love your continuing Friday Feet!

Loretta said...

Look at the positions of their feet...3 definitely different attitudes. Mr. Casual seems to be more disciplined with his body language than the other two. Curious!!??