Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Quilt for the Guild President 12-15-12

Like many guilds (at least in SCalifornia) Surfside Quilters Guild members create a quilt for the outgoing president every year. The Past President is in charge and determines what the current president would like in the way of motif, color, style, whatever. All members are encouraged to create a block, which finishes at 4"W x 6"L, the blocks are assembled by a volunteer committee, and the quilt is hand quilted at quilting bees held at member’s homes.   I have always enjoyed participating  in this project and sometimes even put in some hand quilting stitches (tho’ my arthritis prevents me from doing very much).  This year President Jan Hirth asked for a people quilt, one of my favorites, and the blocks are being shown at guild meetings, instead of being kept a secret.  Maybe this will inspire more members to contribute blocks.  Here is a picture of the very beginning of the project at the December meeting with blocks mostly made by board members.  I will try to keep you posted as the months go by.   
The two blocks on the left are pasted up samples showing the block assembly.  We don't have any male members, but many of us wear pants most of the time, while others wear skirts or dresses.  Or a member can design their own original block or do a flower block.  It will be a beautiful quilt.
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Quiltedtime said...

What a great idea! Not the same old, same old typical designs we see for president's quilts.

abelian said...

I love the blocks. Being able to tilt the heads makes them come alive.
