Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday Feet 07-12-13

Boy, oh boy, I would wear these in a minute.  Maybe I will.  I'm tired of my shoes and it doesn't help that I am always looking at shoes these days.  They don't seem like summer shoes, but Autumn will be coming before I know it.

Purple Stripe - Monaco   $110CND


Dolores said...

Cute!! Go for a pair or two, Del!!

June said...

I'm with Dolores: you should get yourself a pair or two and let us know how they work. They look like they'd be really flexible (helping out the problems I have with bunions, etc). And I love their colors and quirky patterns. But then I bought myself a pair of blue suede mary janes to go to Chicago. A French speaking woman admired them. So you should go extravagant and try them out. And let the rest of us know so we could too!

Dolores said...

I love that you bought blue suede mary janes, June!! You go girl :)