Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Traveling 06-23-15

I am in San Diego tonight.  Had a meeting today to work on "printing beds" for deconstructed screen printing.  We watched Kerr Grabowski's excellent video - well, the part about making the printing bed. - and I helped the other ladies put together their beds.  I may make another one larger than the one I made for Rayna Gillman's class a few years ago.  Maybe the ladies will get together to actually print with some screens.  I enjoyed the process a lot before and think I would enjoy it again, but it seems more like fun and less like work when I do it with someone else.  Here is a print I did in Rayna's class.
Had lunch at a Thai restaurant that was excellent.  Thai food isn't very photogenic, so no pictures.
I'll be home tomorrow evening sometime. 
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Loretta said...

This print is awesome --- design, textures achieved and incredible colors. What fun! I'd love to work on a project like this. Can we give it a try?

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

Of al the deconstructed screen print I have ever seen, this is by far my favorite.

Maggi said...

Wonderful print.

Rayna said...

OMG - this is drop-dead gorgeous! Why don't you stitch it and stretch it and hang it? It's ART.

I love teaching that particular class and I agree that it's mostly more fun when you're playing with others. Isn't Kerr's video a riot? I miss her since she moved out of New Jersey.

Have fun playing with screens, Del. And be sure and post more pictures of what you do.