Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lest we forget - think RAIN!

Before the drought started (they say four years ago) we had several very wet years- 2009 -10. Growing up in Portland, Oregon, I have fond memories of rain and I miss it when years go by with hardly a drop.  Today was a day of a thousand drops - more or less.  When I was walking with KoKo we were hit by two or three of those thousand.  I opened the door and I could smell it - that damp, dusty smell when it first starts to rain.  I thought about postponing the walk, but I figured that KoKo, who is only a year and half old, had never seen or felt rain, so we went.  He didn't notice!  The drops were too few and far between. 
But I remembered past rains and looked up some pictures.
This was taken from my porch in 2009 - looking into the cul-de-sac where the rain was really coming down.

Here are some very healthy rose leaves enjoying the rain in 2010. Aren't the colors nice?

A reflecting puddle in San Diego in 2010.
This is from the motel window in Joplin, MO, when I holed up for two nights in 2013, hoping to avoid the rampant tornadoes all around.  I spend about 45 minutes in the tornado shelter (a reinforced room behind the reception desk) when there was a tornado warning.  The rest of the time it just rained and the wind blew.
So, I am thinking RAIN in the hope that I can conjure up a sprinkle or two. It will take a monsoon to get us off of water restrictions.  We can water two days a week, before 8am and after 7pm.  Addresses ending in even numbers may water on Sunday and Wednesday
and address ending in odd numbers may water on Tuesday and Saturday.  No watering allowed on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
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Loretta said...

I too am thinking, hoping, wishing for rain. I just had the rain gutters cleaned, new screening put on, a new downspout add, which will empty into a new rainwater barrel just purchased! With yesterday's overcast I though my wish came true, but not a drop -- just no hot weather for the day. Think RAIN!!

Rebecca said...

Loretta's comment reminded me of a couple who got their roof replaced last month, but not their gutters yet. They're having trouble getting on the list! (What with the forecast of a good El NiƱo.) What we southerners really need is a good snowpack in the Sierras!

Your photos remind me of me trying to capture rain. I go to St. Louis every June, where I am virtually guaranteed rainfall. I also have some pictures of raindrops on rose leaves...a nice distraction from taking out the garbage bins one evening (several years ago.)

I am looking forward to some nice steady rains this winter.