Tuesday, August 2, 2016

More getting ready 08-02-16

So much to do and, as always, I've left too much for the last minute.  I've never missed a plane or bus or train, but I have postponed a driving departure because I've worn myself out getting ready in too few days.  Car goes in on Thursday for service and trip check.  I'll have to call a plumber in the morning to come and do something with a leak under the tank.  They have fixed it previously, but it has decided to start dripping again.  I don't know how many times I have had plumbing problems just before leaving.  Once I went to Asilomar leaving the two toilets turned off!   Another time I was packed and ready to go when the sink plugged up and I had to wait for a plumber.  My own fault for putting too much leftover food down the garbage disposal. 

Everyone seems to be traveling this month.  One of my neighbors is going to France with wife and two young boys for two weeks.  Hope they have a good time and return safely.  One never knows these days what will happen, no matter where you go.

KoKo was groomed today and I didn't know what to tell the groomer, so I left it up to her and she cut his hair very short.  It will be good if the temps in August are like those in July.  Just as I say about my hair, it will grow out too soon anyway.   He looks a little silly with those long almost bare legs.

The crepe myrtle trees are blooming.  Some bloomed the first of July, I guess they were confused about what month it was.  Mine is a street tree and I always hope nobody has crashed into it when I am gone.  Don't even think about it when I am home, but traveling creates a whole new set of worries.

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1 comment:

Dolores said...

Have a fun and safe trip!!