Saturday, November 19, 2016

Sorry, I've been sick 11-19-16

The very next day after I wrote "dark days" I came down with bronchitis - again.  I guess I just need to be prepared to go through this every year.  It's the pits.  Mostly it is coughing until I am sick with it.  Can't lay down or even recline without making the coughing worse, so I sleep upright in the recliner.  I have been napping and reading and taking pills and doing inhalation therapy and, of course, coughing!  Haven't been able to sew because the inhalation gives me big-time jitters, but maybe tomorrow I'll try again. 

KoKo is staying with Dee and Ed - bless them for their kindness to the little guy.  I would not have not been able to walk him, but he is coming home on Monday and I'm hoping I will be up to the two walks each day.  If not, he has to settle for walks limited to the back yard. 

I see the doc again on Wednesday and  hope I can get off the steroids.  I hate taking them, but they seem to be the only thing that works. 

Weeping Birch

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Gayle said...

It sounds like you are doing what the doctor ordered. Take care.
Thinking of you in NZ

Loretta said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick....nasty business. KoKo has many good friends that makes dealing with illness a bit less stressful. Continue to rest and follow your doctors orders. I'll be thinking of you through this Thanksgiving week. Take care.

Susan Turney said...

I hope you feel better soon!

sonja said...

Take good rest and care so soon you will be walking with Koko again!