Saturday, January 7, 2017

All is well - don't worry! 01-06-17

Goshl I didn't realize it has been so many days since I have blogged - sorry about that.  The main problem is that since I have been homebound I don't have much to say.  Complaining about being sick doesn't cut it and there is just so much that can be said about the KoKo dog.  I am MUCH better and trying to get my strength back from not doing much for two months.  KoKo and I do manage to walk for 20 minutes morning and evening - he drags me around and I wait for him to do his business. 

It is interesting to read about others Christmas and New Year's, but I am happy to just stay home and pretend they are just everyday days!  Guess I am odd that way.  It would be different if I had family, but I don't and there is nothing to be done about that. 

I am in a quandary with Google about posting pictures.  They don't seem to want me to do it, but I keep trying.  Maybe by Sunday it will be okay.
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Susan Turney said...

I'm glad to see a post, Del, and happy you are feeling much better! I feel exactly the same about the holidays for the same reasons. I'm always happy to get back to "normal" living. I'm looking forward to seeing more fun posts!

Dolores said...

Good to hear your voice!!!

Loretta said...

Thank you for surfacing. I'm very pleased to hear you are feeling better. Quite days at home for me are very special...I have family, however, they have their own itineraries for the holidays, so I dog sit! Again, pleased you are feeling better.

judi said...

so glad you are getting around. (taking walks) continue to take care of you! thanks for 'checking in'!!! ;)