Saturday, January 7, 2017

Rain - But the drought is not over

We are getting wonderful rain, perhaps too much in some spots.  Most people I know are enjoying the rain and slowing down when they are driving.  I'm surprised there aren't more accidents because the oil has had a chance to build up on the pavement for years.  When it rains it is as slick as ice in some spots.   And then there are the weeds.  Like magic they come up in the bare ground where nothing has grown for four years.  I also have a highway of mushrooms across my barren backyard.   KoKo hasn't gotten used to the rain.  When he goes out he will stop and look up at the sky with a sort of frown. When he has done his business he runs back to the house to shake off all those nasty raindrops.  We have been fortunate that it has not usually been raining at our walking times, I still don't have a jacket and wear my layers to keep warm.  But they won't keep me dry, that requires an umbrella.
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