Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I should have taken a picture!

This was a special day at my house.  The Salvation Army came and took away a pile of "stuff".  I tend to not put away, give away, throw away, much of anything.  So, there are piles of stuff sitting here and there and occupying drawers and cupboards all over the house.  Not including the "workroom", which is the living room and dining room of my house - it is the biggest mess of all!  And I didn't tackle that - yet.

But last week I called and set up an appointment to have the SArmy truck come.  So, I had to get some boxes and fill them with things I no longer use, but other people might pay money for.  There were several computer bags that I found unsatisfactory, a box of books the 2nd hand bookshop didn't want,  a large box of men's socks that are the last remnant of my late husband's clothing and have remained in his dresser all these years, a box of dishes my aunt sent me because they had originally belonged to my mother (they came from detergent boxes in the 1940s), all sorts of bowls, vases, candle holders, decorative cookie tins, a few clothes I have never worn and a bunch of other "stuff".  I felt so good about it I had to call a friend and tell her.  So proud of myself. 

My mental health has not been great the past year, but I may have started just the right combination of antidepressants and think that I am feeling more positive and active.   If you haven't had Depression you can't understand how it undermines one's daily life.

I hope this is the beginning of a huge "dig out".  At 79 I know that reducing my possessions is an important thing to do.  It might take me years - groan.

This is the late Corky who I nannied for 16 years.  He is helping me quilt!
He was very different than KoKo.  I miss him still. 
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Sherry said...

Me too! I miss him so much. I do love seeing pictures of Koko. That makes me happy!

A big HOORAY for you! Cleaning out is tough and I am so proud of you!

Love you, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Cleaning out is very tough! After my husband died, almost 7 years ago, I did a lot of cleaning out. And set up a new studio in the space. It is glorious. There is much to clear out yet, hopefully making things easier if (when) the kids need to come and take care of things. I want you to know how very much I enjoy your blog! I travel with you and enjoy your trips vicariously, and sometimes decide where to go, what to see, based on something I've read on your blog. I also love looking at your quilt collection, and so envy especially the Ruth McDowell quilts. I took a class from her once and have seen a couple of lectures and admire her so much! Thank you so much for sharing!
Kay Taylor

Sherrie Spangler said...

I understand you on depression. Finding the right meds can be a lifesaver. Here's to a more positive, creative year for you!

UplayOnline said...

I miss him so much. I do love seeing pictures of Koko. That makes me happy!

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