Thursday, May 3, 2018

Miscellaneous 05-03-18

Another resting day!  As the years accumulate I seem to need more recovery time after traveling.   Today I tried to catch up with my back log of e-mails since I didn't take my laptop with me when I drove north.  If you have written and not heard back from me, you might want to send it again!  

Here is an interesting video about Ken Burns and the quilts he collects.  I wish I could go to Nebraska to see this exhibit, just the pictures are exciting.  Before I started the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection, which is composed of what are now called art quilts, I collected antique and vintage quilts.  But on a much smaller scale than TCQC.  So, I am always interested to see fine collections of almost any quilts. 

The New York Times also ran a story about Ken Burns' quilts:

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

I too would LOVE to see Ken Burn's collection in person. My oh my what wonderful quilts.