Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Froggie got tossed 11-06-18

I've never been good at throwing or catching.   But since I have KoKo to throw for I have improved.  I can throw the length of the hallway across the front of the house - about 20-25 feet.  Of course, if I don't throw straight the object (usually Froggie) hits something before it gets where I intended.    Don't know how this one went so far astray, the first time he has been in the fan!   Used my trusty retrieving stick to get him down.  The retrieving stick is a dual purpose tool and gets things from high or low or under, and it also measures when I need to measure.   Of course, it is limited to a yard, after that I have to find a broom!  

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Loretta said...

Froggie is a very silly guy hanging out on the ceiling fan!

Carol said...

Froggie looks very smug up there! Was KoKo distressed? I bet Del was surprised!

Unknown said...

Good vantage point.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

He seems to be happy with the view.