Saturday, April 27, 2019

Long day, Hard drive 04-26-19

It is, of course what I get for driving I-5 on a Friday.  But I made it safely. Temps were in the 80s, but I only stopped twice and had the A/C running the whole trip.   It seemed like there was an unbroken line of semis in the right lane the entire way and they pull out to pass and the left lane backs up behind them and some nitwit decides they aren't going fast enough and tries to jump lanes to get in front of everyone else.  So everyone has to slow down to avoid the nitwits.  I know - bitching doesn't really help, but it gets it off my mind anyway!! 

I cannot download the pictures from the SD card from my camera.  Or else they do actually download, but I can't find them.  Not many anyway because it isn't safe or productive to try to take pictures when the traffic is so heavy.  I'll keep trying. 

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Loretta said...

Most importantly, stay safe. Driving anywhere these days seems to be a slow, slow process....we humans must find another way of traveling or it's going to be gridlock from the north to south boarders! Humph....

Carol said...

So glad you arrived safely. Driving is an endurance test these days!