Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sharing a seat 03-20-20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sometimes KoKo can't get close enough to me.  So, while I was working on my laptop he crawled behind me on my chair.    Obviously there is not room for the two of us and I had to make him get down.  

First I tried to take his picture over my shoulder, that is the back of the chair on the right side. 

Then I set the camera on selfie which worked a little better. 

I don't know why his eye is blue.  Maybe a reflection from my vest?  He is pushing his way through. 

Then I set the camera on selfie which worked a little better.  The chair back on the right and my blue vest on the left and KoKo sandwiched in the middle.  He is SOOO determined to do just what he wants to do.      

It has taken a half hour to post these two pictures!  Something is screwy with Blogger or my laptop or the picture program or something.  I might not be posting for a few days. Miss me, huh?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             #   #   #                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Carol said...

Pure love!

Loretta said...

KoKo is a lover!!! I'll bet he is feeling your feelings of not being able to do your regular routines...go to Starbuck's! Perhaps he is thinking it is about time for you to be going off again and he'll with a friend while you're gone! Dogs are funny folk, they do sense changes in our habits and emotional selves! Sufficient to know he cares! Trust you are doing well and keeping busy! Del, please, take care and stay well.

Martha Ginn said...

That is hilarious of KoKo squeezing himself behind you in your chair. My cat Tarbaby gets up on the back of the chair and leans in on my neck and head. It is a real honor to be chosen by our fur babies.