Sunday, April 26, 2020

Heatwave 04-25-20

We are having a very warm end of April.  The high today was 90F, but yesterday we were up to 91F and Thursday was 101F.  Even with the A/C I am flushed and sweaty and don't feel like even moving.  KoKo and I are walking early in the day and waiting until the temp gets down to 80F in the evening, the last few days this has been about 9pm.

This gives us a chance to admire the crescent moon and the brightest light in the sky, the planet Venus.  Even though I held the camera against a car I still shake too much.  The crescent moon is in the tree and Venus is high above - both are blurred.  I'm always amazed at the lightness of the sky in the pictures, as it is quite dark in reality.  

I did takeout sushi for lunch from our favorite local place, Fish in a Bottle, and it was very good.  I bought two rolls, but was more than full with one, so it is sushi for breakfast tomorrow.  Yum! 

In today's mail I had a lovely package from Carol Esch of New Jersey who I met in an Empty Spools class at Asilomar several years ago.  She had come across some Ruth B. McDowell postcards and sent them to me because she knows that I collect Ruth quilts.  AND she included one of the masks she has been making.  The quarter inch elastic goes through the channels on either side and fits behind the neck and over the head, so it fits very snugly against the face.  it is sort like a halter top only on the face!  Much better than what I have made with ties on all four corners.   I am looking up because I think it shows the fit better to have my saggy chin stretched up!!  

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Loretta said...

Sushi for Sunday brunch....very nice selection. The face mask is beautiful...a wonderful piece of fabric. You are now ready for you cool evening walk. Take care and stay well.

Sally Morris said...

What a lovely fabric choice. I have now made 90 masks, mostly for medical friends and their co-workers who work with oncology patients during treatment. I've tried 7 patterns. The pleated is quickest but the shaped like yours fits best. She may have used CraftPassions pattern. That and the U FL mask fit best but the U FL mask looks weird, more like a duck bill. It passes the rigorous FIT test though so should be made from N95 type fabric.

Carol said...

Great mask! What a nice surprise to receive in the mail.

Rebecca said...

I've been wondering what that planet is, but I only see it when I'm closing down the windows, after I've turned off the computer and haven't remembered to look it up. Glad to know.

I got cans of salmon at Costco before quarantining, and used that to make a "sushi bowl." It did deliver some good flavors, and help with missing sushi.