Monday, April 20, 2020

Surviving the Virus 04-20-20

Well, I am surviving the isolation, but it is a struggle.  The last few days have been big time isolationitis.  I just wrote a long explanation and Blogger erased it!  All you received was the title of the post. So, I am trying to recreate it.   Today I had several contacts with other humans and it cheered me greatly.  First I visited with a neighbor who I sometimes see when KoKo and I are walking.  She had workmen to fix a wall in her backyard so she was out on the sidewalk when we came by.  We stood ten feet apart and had a nice visit.  Then I had a call from a friend in SDiego to talk about quilt making and our dogs - KoKo and CoCo.  CoCo is new to their family so they are still making adjustments to each other.  Then I received an e-mail from Floyd's niece Traci who lives with her family in Florida.  She is a substitute teacher so is currently unemployed.  It was great to hear about her family.  I haven't seen her for about 33 years and have never met her husband and kids.  One day I may drive that way and stop for a visit.  

So, my day was full of interaction and maybe that is what I need to keep me going.  So, if you receive a call from me, just chat for a bit - human to human. 

Here is a picture from Facebook of a sunset in Tucson, AZ, taken recently.  The caption said it is not Photoshopped, and I believe it.  The desert sunsets in that area are astounding. 
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1 comment:

Carol said...

That is a very good day! Thanks for delivering strawberries to me!