Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quilts from SAQA online auction 2020 #7 10-25-20

 Another bird quilt.  This time a Gentoo penquin which is only about 13 pounds and 2 -1/2 feet tall.  Sue, an award winning quilter from Ontario, Canada, has created several penquin quilts and has a line of penquin fabric from Northcott Fabrics coming out in November 2020.

"Gentoo on Ice"  Sue Sherman - Ontario,CA  2020 12" square
Cotton Fabrics, colored pencil, thread painting, machine quilting.  

DETAIL of head. 

Back of quilt with label.  The sleeve across the top is white fabric. 


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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Wow!!! Quilter Sherman is a fantastic designer and executor of the Penquins! Spectacular thread work, particularly in the skies! This year's auction quilts, I think, are the best in their class ever! Perhaps we all have more time on our hands! That's a very good thing!
I do hope you are on the mend...
Take care.