Sunday, March 14, 2021

Miscellaneous stuff 03-14-21

My life has gotten so dull that I usually can't think of anything to post on my blog.  Tonight I looked at some pictures from years past and came up with these images.

Ten years ago I had a hummingbird nest in my little tree, which has since died all on its own.  Lovely to watch these little guys grown until they were hanging out the sides of the nest.  Allen's hummingbirds. 

This was March 13, 2020.  I took the picture while we were walking on Brian Street, which parallels Warren Street where we live.  The tall, light colored tree in the right of the image is a "needle" cactus which has turned red in the sun at this time of year.  However, the owner discovered that it is a highly poisonous tree and the white sap is very irritating and can even cause blindness.  He took out all of those that grew in his yard.  I still have one in my backyard and watch carefully when KoKo is out that he doesn't rub up against it.  

Also from a year ago.  A close up of the trunk of a crape myrtle, a street tree in our neighborhood.   This time of year all of their bark has peeled off leaving lovely smooth "skin" to show.  

And finally, here is KoKo last year in March holding on to his Froggy while Froggy undergoes surgery on his foot.  Poor Froggy he is covered with scars, but still holding together. 

We will see the vet tomorrow morning and KoKo will have a blood test to see what the status of the pancreatitis is now.  He seems to be his old self and I would like to get him back on kibble instead of the smelly canned food the vet has him on.  Also a return to dental treats to keep him teeth in good shape. 

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Nature outside is a wonderful place to start thinking about and looking at. You have Froggy, he is always in need of attention of one sort or another....and there is also your wonderful quilting....a few new quilt cards would be a lovely way to start. Take care...stay well.