Saturday, February 12, 2022

KoKo time again 02-12-22

KoKo and I are together 24 hours a day on most days.  Sometimes i leave him home while I go to the market or out to lunch or have a medical appointment, but I take him with me on some of those trips and he waits in the car.  Right now we are having a heat wave - 91 today -so he can't wait in the car and must stay home alone.  Like all dogs he sleeps a lot, but not as much as cats do.  He gets brushed daily along with a massage and we play Toss Froggy several times a day.  He is a well indulged dog.  

Some time around 2pm we go out in the backyard so he can have a pee and check out all the smells.  He can't be out without me because of the coyotes who don't care about fences and prowl during the daytime as well as at night.   He always has a walk along the low wall across the back and sometimes decides to have a lay down.  He has learned he is not permitted on the slope below. 

If I am sitting in the recliner he figures it is time for him to recline on my lap so I can rub his tummy and give him a massage. 

He will sometimes sit on the sewing table and nap, but eventually decides that I need to pay attention to him.  So he walks over and plops down on my sewing.   One reason it takes me so long to sew anything. 

If I am reading in my recliner he thinks I should stop and attend to him. 

He has a new bed that I can move around the house, in the hope that he will sleep in it instead of bugging me! 

It is supposed to be beige as it looks in these pictures, but is actually a sort of orange/yellow.  Not an attractive color, but he doesn't mind, it must be very comfortable.

I would not have survived the isolation without him.  

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1 comment:

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

He is a beautiful, fun companion. My dog keeps me company like that too.