Sunday, February 13, 2022

Quilt from TCQC 02-13-22

Here is a quilt from early in the Collection.  Always interesting to see what Caryl has been up to.  Check out her website.  This is the post from May 3, 2009.

"Refractions #9 and #10" Caryl Bryer Fallert 1993 Each quilt is 36"X36"
In the fall of 2003 someone sent me an e-mail saying there were Caryl Bryer Fallert quilts being sold on eBay. Of course, I had to check them out and it was true. There were about a half a dozen and among them were three that were a triptych. All these quilts and the other 90+ items were being sold by the corporate office of an international company that was relocating and selling all of their art collection. Amazingly, the bidding on these quilts started at $25!! After I won the bid on three of Caryl's quilts I talked to the person at the corporation who was in charge of the auction and I asked her why they sold everything so cheap. She said she was just told to sell everything, with no other information or instructions. I contacted Caryl to see what she knew about the disposal of her work and she had not heard a thing about it. I think it is so odd that they wouldn't offer the quilts back to her first. I know if I ever had to dispose of the TCQC on the open market I would contact each artist and tell them I needed to sell - they might want to buy them back or perhaps know of someone lusting after a particular quilt. I found such a "fire sale" rather peculiar.
Which didn't stop me from bidding! The 'hottest' bidding was for #10 - I liked it best of the triptych pieces and apparently so did a lot of other people. As the bidding for that one went up and up I thought I should bid on # 9, just in case I was outbid for #10 at the last minute. I had the high bid for #9 and when the bidding for #10 was over I also had the high bid for it. I believe that none of the items on auction went over their original selling price and most of them much less.  [less than $1500!]
These quilts are made with Caryl's hand dyed fabric in the style she was working in during the early 1990s. They are pieced in a log cabin order - VERY precisely. They look great hung together or individually, but it is too bad I didn't make the top bid for the third piece. I know that the lady who won that bid was thrilled with her purchase, as was I.
I have always admired Caryl's work and doubt if I would ever have been able to add her quilts to the Collection in any other way. She also has a fabulous website with much valuable information, check it out:
And while you are there look for the triptych under General Railway Signal Corp the page for Corporate Collections:

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

I had dinner with Caryl at Quilt National 2018. She had not been juriesd in for 22 years. Yeah, I know! Just shows you have to keep trying, her work is phenominal. And she is the nicest person. We were also tablemates of Arturo Sandoval who is also a phenomenal artist and person. It was star studded night to say the least.
Mary Ann