Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Six month's worth of rain 01-17-23

Not a cloud in the sky this morning, but they have appeared now - more rain?   The average annual rainfall in Placentia is about 14".  Since this series of storms started in mid-December we have had a little over seven inches!   It has been difficult driving in it, but sometimes it is necessary.  Last Tuesday I drove in the pouring rain and wind for the guild meeting, but have avoided too much driving since then.  And KoKo and I have been fortunate to mostly take our walks in between showers.  I can't imagine how people in snow country manage their dog walks.  

KoKo in the backyard weeds, he needs drying off whenever he goes out. 
Since my gardener retired with the beginning of the new year I am looking for someone else to keep the weeds mowed. "If it isn't one thing, it is another."

This is the low wall across the top of the back slope and you can see the chainlink and block wall on the other side of the flood control channel and access road.  But see that line about seven inches up on our wall?  That is how high the water collected during these storms.  There are drains along the wall, but not enough to drain the water immediately.  When the rain stops it goes down quickly. 

This shows the lovely clouds and the park which is accessed from Palm Drive, the closest through street.  Our low wall and patio at the bottom of the picture,

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1 comment:

Sherrie Spangler said...

Oh my, that water was deep against the wall! We've been having heavy rain here, too, but not as bad as in CA.