Thursday, June 22, 2023

Weeds, Flowers 06-22-23

Since my gardener (mow and blow guy) retired in January I have tried to hire three different gardeners, but they just don't show up.  Now I have hired two guys who work in the neighborhood and come highly recommended.  They will get around to my yard when then have time between their regular duties.  I hope it is soon because the weeds are up to my waist in some places.  The excessive rain we had this winter/spring has reawakened seeds that haven't sprouted for a number of years and some I am not familiar with.  My yard is probably the wildest in the area!!

These are only growing in the front yard and I think they are very interesting with very dark reddish brown stems and unusual  leaves.    Sort like black oak, but I know they aren't that. 

I will try to do some research to see what the name is. 

The Lilies of the Nile are blooming, along with the Jacaranda trees.  The lilies that get full sun most of the day are in full bloom, but those that only get sun part of the day are lagging behind.  Mine are just barely budding out - no color yet. 

This yard faces east and has full sun all day.  Gorgeous. 

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1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I've been noticing in the last few days that the jacarandas are Finally! blooming! They're so nice to see (as long as they're not in my yard) ;-)