Sunday, November 5, 2023

Quilts from Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection 11-05-23

Two pieces by Kathleen Probst, purchased two years apart. The first is a12x12 from the 2012 SAQA online auction.

"Simple Landform: Sand & Water" - Kathleen Probst - Idaho 2011  12"X12"
Fused, hand-stitched and machine stitched.

Kathleen  notes: "The balance between sand and water interests me, as they mutually agree on boundaries. Montessori landform puzzles were the inspiration for this piece. This is the first time I've hand-stitched one of my "Simple Series" pieces to create the chunky lines I've been craving." 

DEL COMMENTS: I am intrigued by the shapes and the stitching on this piece - besides, it is blue and yellow!

This one I purchased directly from Kathleen.

 "Wings #2: Pairing Up"  Kathleen Probst - Idaho   2012
27.75"W X 28.5"L  Cotton fabrics, Fused. Machine quilted.

You can also check Kathleen Probst on the right sidebar for past posts and pictures.

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

The sea and sand boarders intregue me too! Why do they understand each other????