Saturday, April 27, 2024

Odds & Ends from Empty Spools 04-27-24

 Just a few more photos from my experience at EmptySpools/Asilomar.

But first a HURRAH for the outstanding  Nancy Ota of San Clemente, CA. She went to Paducah last week to stand beside her outstanding quilt, a Paducah winner in 2007 (I think) which is part of the permanent collection there.

"Infinity 2006"  Nancy Ota - CA 
Commercial cotton fabrics, Japanese indigo fabric.  Machine pieced and quilted.


Before I started my program on Sunday evening I took this picture of the audience in Merrill Hall, one of the original buildings from 1918 and a remarkable architectural achievement. The Cotton Patch shop is in the back at far left and my table is  in the far back on the right  The blurry spot at the bottom of the picture is where I marked out the glare of the spotlight.

This is the path leading up to Merrill Hall from the Admin building and dining hall.  All of the paths are now bricked, not as bucolic as the bare dirt, but much safer and accessible to the handicapped.

With so many pine trees dead from the invasive beetle, most of the campus looks like this. However, new young trees are growing that appear to  be beetle resistance.  

I prefer to stay in the original 1918 buildings and this is my favorite room in Pirates Den where the boys originally.stayed.  The front of the building is level with Merrill Hall,but the back looks out on the parking lot below, so there is a wide view of north end of the property.  

When I decided I was too wiped out to drive home on Friday after Empty Spools ended at 11am,I was able to book a night in Stuck Ups, the 1918 building where the girls were housed back then. The four rows of rooms  surround an open space which  used to be  a sea  of  white calla lilies, but in keeping with the mandate that this California State Park have native, natural vegetation all non-native species are removed.  Not many flowers, though there were a few  wild iris in bloom.  

This was my room 209 in Stuck Ups.  It was a cozy corner for a very tired old lady and I slept about nine hours.

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

Pleased to know you slept well! xo