Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Dessert 12-25-07

The other day Christine http://winnowings.blogspot.com/ had a recipe for Apple Crisp in her blog. It came from one of those cherished cookbooks created by the ladies of an organization, usually to raise funds for their causes. Some of the best recipes, and some of the worst, are found in these books and passed down from generation to generation. I remember this simple recipe although I don't believe I have ever seen the book Christine has. Since I had some apples on hand I made a pan of Apple Crisp and will enjoy it for Christmas Day dessert. Thanks Christine!
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Christine Thresh said...

Your apple crisp looks better than our apple crisp. Perhaps you are a better photographer.
Yes, those little club cookbooks do have the best and worst recipes.

Del said...

Maybe it is the cream - I bought some especially to have on my crisp. Yummy!