Saturday, January 12, 2008

Still not done! 01-12-08

I thought I would be able to post a picture of the finished quilt this evening, but I had a thread crisis. I ran out of the thread I was using and thinking another color was close enough I kept quilting. In the morning I could see it wasn't close enough, making a definite division where I changed. So, I picked that out and ordered another spool of the correct color from Sew Thankful. Tracy Chapman is so helpful and conscientious she put it in the mail immediately. Unfortunately it is the weekend so I won't get it until Monday. Woe is I! Meanwhile I am working on something else - I ALWAYS have unfinished projects that need work.
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jpsam said...

This is coming along wonderfully! I am supposed to be frantically finishing a piece for the EBHQ show and I am spending too much time reading blogs. Oh well, you are inspiring me. I'll get at it!

Christine Thresh said...

Oh, I didn't know it was a long quilt. We've been seeing smaller chunks.
I am looking forward to seeing the whole thing.